Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Message For Myself

Dear Me, 
        Going to school early in the morning everyday and studying every night is VERY TIRESOME, right..? Augh.. How I wish Mondays are close to Fridays (throw away the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays). Waking up early on Monday morning and the next day would probably be Friday..!! then Saturday, the next day  is Sunday then back to Monday again..When would this kind of routine happen in my life..?? What I am doing every night, causes my eyes to have black eyes.. my poor eyes.. :| 
         Anyway, there is always this person who would stay up late with my while I'm studying, accompanies me when I'm alone, let me sleep on his arm and guards me all day and night through.

Kanata Hongo


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